Photo: flickr/Ian Barbour

There’s nothing like waking up Friday morning thinking it’s Saturday, only to have reality smack you in the face.

Luckily, I procrastinated writing Feel Good Friday last night, so had to do it this morning, and now life feels good again.

So there you have it: procrastination is good and Feel Good Friday changes lives. It’s been proven. By facts no less.

Annnnd, there’s so much good news, good stuff and good fun in this edition of FGF that you’re going to be spilling rainbows out of your mouths and puppies are going to dance everywhere… k, that was weird. But, it will make you feel good. I swear.

Here we go!


Need more? Check out the rest of our Feel Good Fridays here.

Kaitlin McNabb is rabble’s news and books coordinator and she has nothing clever to say here this week. Follow her on twitter though where she is equally not as clever sometimes @kaitlinmcnabb.

Photo: flickr/Ian Barbour

Kaitlin McNabb

Kaitlin McNabb

Kaitlin McNabb is rabble’s news coordinator, book lounge coordinator and moderator of the babble book club. She is currently completing the Editing Certificate at Simon Fraser University, satisfying...