War Resister Robin Long is being held in jail in Nelson, B.C. and is threatened with deportation to the United States on Monday, July 14.

Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) has told Long they intend to deport him as early as next Monday. This was a shocking revelation to Mr. Long and his counsel. At what was expected to be a routine detention hearing, it was revealed that a negative decision had been issued on his Pre-Removal Risk Assessment in early May; however, it was never communicated to either Long or his lawyer.

Bob Ages of the War Resisters Support Campaign said, âeoeThis is the closest thing Canada has seen to Extraordinary Rendition since Maher Arar was spirited to Syria. This is a violation of every principle of natural justice.âe

War resister Corey Glass is facing removal proceedings on Thursday, July 10. Actions are planned across the country on that date to stop the deportation proceedings. (Update: The Federal Court has granted a temporary stay to Glass in a ruling handed down today by Deputy Justice Orville Frenette.)

This is a critical week in the campaign to win asylum for Iraq war resisters in Canada. In spite of a Parliamentary motion calling on the federal government to allow war resisters to stay; in spite of a positive court decision in Joshua Key’s refugee case which calls into question the decisions made by the Immigration and Refugee Board in these cases; and in spite of overwhelming public opinion in support of permanent resident status for war resisters, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Immigration Minister Diane Finley appear set to act against the wishes of Canadians and deport Corey Glass and Robin Long.

Corey and Robin are the first of a growing number of Iraq war resisters who are facing removal proceedings. Every action taken between now and July 10 can make a big difference to the fate of these young men and women and their families. Please take the time to make as many phone calls, send as many emails and write as many letters as you can, and then join an action on July 10.

Let the government know that it is time they start representing the will of Canadians and stop acting as the enforcement arm of the Bush administration.

What you can do:

Call and email Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
[email protected]

Call and email Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Diane Finley.
[email protected]
[email protected]

If you are Canadian and your riding is represented by a Conservative MP, please contact her or him to express your support for war resisters. To find contact information, click here.