
Occupy “Greenwashing” (tar sands ≠ sustainability) in Vancouver

The Deets:

Wednesday March 14, 2012
8:00 pm start
Vancouver Convention Centre
1055 Canada Place,
Vancouver, BC

The Call Out:

Join together to shame two hypocrites – Christy Clark and Peter Kent – and prevent them from ‘greenwashing’ their image when it comes to sustainability. Let them hear the voice of local opposition to pipelines and tanker traffic on BC’s coast.

Next week Vancouver will host the Globe 2012 conference on sustainability leadership. At $1595 to attend, this is a closed-conference for the 1%, while the 99% who live with the consequences of elite decisions are left outside. The conference is sponsored by DOW, Suncor, Tetrapak, the Canadian Mining Association to name just a few and will bring Premier Christy Clark and Peter Kent to Vancouver on March 14th and March 15th.

Clark, whose job creation plan includes opening 8 new mines in BC and stream lining the permitting process, has yet to take a stance on the two pipeline proposals for BC (Kinder Morgan and Enbridge Northern Gateway). She hasn’t stated her position but recent staffing decisions give a clear indication as to where her allegiance lies. Her new Chief of Staff, Ken Boessenkool, is former Senior Advisor for Stephen Harper and Enbridge Lobbyist and her new director of communications is Sara Macintyre, former Press Secretary for Stephen Harper.

Canada’s Environment Minister Peter Kent has clearly been in favour of more tar sands pipelines and has even gone so far as to condemn opposition to the pipelines as being disingenuous attempts by “radicals’ and foreign interest groups to interfere in Canadian affairs.

Christy Clark is speaking in the Plenary Session on Wednesday the 14th from 8:30-10am, and Peter Kent is the Keynote speaker on Thursday the 15th for “Energy Dialogue: Collaboration and Innovation for the 21st Century” from 10:30-12pm. The whole event is at the Vancouver Convention Centre East Building.

Join us both mornings for a rally outside the Convention Centre East Building:

March 14th 8:30am
Gather outside between the two buildings
8:30 – 10am Speakers
– Environmental justice committee
– “Crusty Clark”
– Un-1 local Jazz Hip-Hop artist
– More TBA

24 hour occupation is encouraged!!

March 15th
10am gather outside between the two buildings
10:30am -12pm Speakers (More TBA)
– Environmental Justice Committee
– Emma Pullman – Vancouver-based researcher, writer and campaigner
– Ben West – Wildernesss Committee
– “British Columbia’s Fossil of the Year Award”
– Music by the Carnival Band
– March to Environment Canada building

Leave for home but keep signs for the March 26th Rally at the VAG

For more information, please click here.


Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...