Interview with co-founder of Breaking the Silence

Micha Kurz co-founded Breaking the Silence, an organization that collects stories from members of the Israel Defense Forces (compulsory in Israel for young men and women) who served in the occupied territories. Kurz served in the IDF during the second intifada, and his experiences led him to work against the occupation and treatment of Palestinians. Part 1 of 2.

GRITtv with Laura Flanders brings participatory democracy onto your computer screen and into your living room, bridging the gap between audience and advocates. Watch any show, at any time:

Watch part 2 here.

Tor Sandberg

Tor Sandberg

Tor Sandberg is the program director for rabbletv. When Tor was 8 years old, the two schoolyard bullies, Allen and Roger, made up a mean little ditty about him. “Let’s tear Tor in the Northwest...