7000 Generations Walk against nuclear waste in Saskatchewan

Doreen Docken explains why people are against nuclear waste in Saskatchewan and why they are opposed to nuclear energy.

Thanks to Max and Debby Morin and the Committee for Future Generations for making this walk happening.

For more information and how to get in contact, use following links:

Sign the petition to support the pass of legislation to permanently ban nuclear waste storage and transportation of nuclear waste into, out of and through Saskatchewan:

“The 7000 Generations Walk left Pinehouse Lake on July 27 headed to Regina, and are meeting with Saskatchewan residents along the route, collecting petitions & connecting with people from all walks of life on this important issue. ”
“The purpose of our Walk is to wake people up to the reality that northern Saskatchewan is being targeted to store millions of used nuclear bundles which would be highly radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. We will carry a petition to the Legislature that people may sign, directing the government to legislate a ban on nuclear waste storage and transportation in our province.”

Interview at city hall in Saskatoon by Thomas Schoene.