7feminist sign

While the world’s 20 richest countries meet in Huntsville Toronto-based community organizations united yesterday to “take back what is ours!” at the G20 Feminist Picnic and Politics for All Out for Gender Justice! They ended have more taken away than expected.

Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair, who wanted additional policing powers, initiated the Act, which authorizes the Solicitor General of Ontario, the head or deputy head of municipal councils, police chiefs and certain officials with the Ontario Provincial Police to appoint “guards.” An appointed guard has the power of a peace officer for purposes of the Public Works Protection Act. A guard can confront any person who attempts to enter or even approaches a building or place that has been designated as a public work under the Act and demand that they state their business. The guard can also demand identification and if a person is unwilling or unable to present ID, they can be arrested without a warrant. These guards also have the power to search any person found attempting to enter or who approach a public works.

Scot battles police
Very few people knew about the vast powers of search and arrest that police were given for the G20 Summit. And it was not until after the first arrest of Dave Vasey, 31, became public, Chief Bill Blair held a news conference where he explained the law.

No search

Needless to say feeling that one’s rights and freedoms are being breached will lead to some resistance and this is just what happened during the rally. As community demonstrators refused to have their bags searched to enter the demonstration they were being denied entry to the park. Many concerned citizens came to the support of their community members.

No search

The march was followed by an absurd amount of police presence and coercing. This was naturally countered with resistance.


people in the streets

Kristen Hanson

Kristen Hanson

Kristen grew up in New Brunswick and attained her BA from St Thomas University. After graduating, she spent eight years working as a Youth Worker and Crisis Counselor in Massachusetts, Toronto and Vancouver...