We’re news junkies here at rabble.ca. However, this doesn’t mean that we will simply read anything; we like to think, like you, we have discriminating tastes. That is why we have partnered with ten independent print magazines during our annual membership drive.
When you become a member of rabble (starting at $5/month) you can select a great free print magazine subscription as our thanks. What can you choose from? Check it out: Adbusters, Alberta Views, Briarpatch, Canadian Dimension, Geist, Middle East Report, New Internationalist, Shameless, This Magazine, and Our Times. If you contribute at least $8/month we will also give you the Best of rabble.ca 2011.
So by supporting rabble.ca you keep news and views for the rest of us going, plus you get a great magazine subscription – double your indie media! Read more about this offer and these magazines here: https://rabble.ca/about/membership
Here is the full size print: we have a lot of subscriptions from each magazine to give away but it is first come first serve for each title and while supplies last. This offer ends midnight on June 6th, but why delay? There is some great reading to be had, it takes under five minutes to become a member of rabble, you support community and independent media and you get a great magazine! As always, thank you to all of our suppporters.