Do not adjust your set. At, we believe the time is always right to speak out.
Today, we are joining a number of civil society groups to participate in #blackoutspeakout. Through this extraordinary step, we hope to stand up against the attacks by the federal government that threaten our very ability to organize collectively about the things we value most: our democracy, our legal system and our environment.
The organizers of ‘Black Out Speak Out’ explain: “Right now, Parliament is pushing through a bill to weaken many of the country’s most important environmental protection measures and silence the voices of all Canadians who seek to defend nature. Today it’s our voice; tomorrow it could be yours.” Click here to read about the Top 5 reasons to Speak Out today., along with and our allies, will symbolically ‘black out’ our website today as an act of protest, without impeding your ability to follow all the latest news on this creative day of action.
There are a number of ways you can support this campaign.
Please join us at rabble, as we black out and speak out together.