Don Davies: Regarding the legalization of cannabis in Canada, pardons are not enough

MP Don Davies has been a vocal advocate for improving Canada’s drug policies – notably calling for across-the-board record expungement for marijuana convictions. In this clip, Davies explains the issues with the current pardon process and how a ‘blanket pardon’ would actually work in Canada.

Don Davies is the Member of Parliament for Vancouver Kingsway. He was first elected in 2008, and has been re-elected four times since. Davies is the NDP Critic for Health and Deputy Critic for Foreign Affairs and International Development.

“My colleague Murray Rankin, who was justice critic at the time, introduced legislation in the House of Commons in 2019 that would have had expungement of all cannabis related records. In one fell swoop, if we passed that law, everyone in the country who had criminal records for the prescribed list . . . would have immediately had their records expunged. They could tell people ‘I’ve never been convicted of a crime.’ The Liberals defeated that legislation.”

This is a clip from rabble’s most recent live politics panel: ‘Off the Hill: Big Biz Marijuana – who wins, who loses?’ The panel featured guests Jodie Giesz-Ramsay, Chuka Ejeckam and MP Don Davies. With co-hosts Robin Browne and Libby Davies.

Off the Hill is a live panel unpacking current issues of national significance that features guests and discussions you won’t find anywhere else. To support Off the Hill’s mission of mobilizing individuals to create progressive change in national politics — on and off Parliament Hill — visit

Don Davies

Don Davies is the Member of Parliament for Vancouver Kingsway. He was first elected in 2008, and has been re-elected four times since. Davies is the NDP Critic for Health and Deputy Critic for Foreign...