In 2023, we must be vigilant about growing white nationalism in Canada

It’s been one year since the so-called ‘Freedom Convoy’ occupation of Ottawa. Since then, anti-hate groups and activists have been calling on policy makers to take action against growing far-right extremism in our country.

In this clip, MP Leah Gazan outlines the “deeply troubling” growing white nationalist movement in Canada and condemns the leaders behind it. 

“When you have leaders of mainstream political parties fraternizing with white nationalists, fraternizing with residential school deniers, fraternizing with leaders of a convoy [which was] funded, in large part, by the alt-right wing in the United States — this is deeply troubling.” 

Leah Gazan is Member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre. She is currently the NDP critic for Children, Families, and Social Development. She is also the critic for Women and Gender Equality, and the deputy critic for Housing. Gazan is a member of Wood Mountain Lakota Nation, located in Saskatchewan, Treaty 4 territory.

This is a clip from rabble’s most recent live politics panel: ‘Will 2023 be a year of competing crises? On climate and the economy.’ The panel featured guests MP Leah Gazan, Jim Stanford, Clayton Thomas-Müller and Karl Nerenberg. With co-hosts Robin Browne and Libby Davies.

Off the Hill is a live panel unpacking current issues of national significance. This series features guests and discussions centred on the impact politics and policy have on people. Our series focuses on how to bring about progressive change in national politics — on and off the hill.To support Off the Hill’s mission of mobilizing individuals to create progressive change in national politics — on and off Parliament Hill — visit