December 3, 2012
In just seven days, the most important legal cases in recent Canadian history will be argued before the Federal Court.
And eight brave Canadians are at centre stage.
It’s been almost ten months since news of the robocall scandal first broke and these individuals launched their legal applications under the Canada Elections Act, citing “irregularities, fraud or corrupt or illegal practices that affected the result of the election.”
The evidence is compelling. It shows there was a widespread, targeted and coordinated campaign of voter suppression and electoral fraud that affected the outcomes in at least these six federal ridings. The robocall scandal was not isolated to Guelph, ON.
Late last week, Elections Canada released potent new evidence that strongly confirms what the applicants have been saying all along.
The evidence includes detailed accounts from voters targeted by fraudulent or harassing calls intended to discourage them from voting in 56 ridings across Ontario, B.C., Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec – including in three of the six ridings in the legal cases.
The Elections Canada investigator says that “if the calls were as reported by the complainants, the caller or the person or persons who caused the calls to be made … knew the information to be false and thereby did wilfully prevent or endeavour to prevent an elector from voting in an election” in violation of the Canada Elections Act.”
This latest development has grabbed headlines across the country, and reignited the fire in Canadians everywhere to stand with these brave eight in their fight to restore voters’ rights and the integrity of our democracy.
Regardless of our political inclinations, we can all agree on this: an attempt to trick or defraud voters out of their fundamental right to vote is indefensible, and must be vigorously challenged.
Beginning December 10th, it will be.
But, this fight has come with a cost. The applicants have overcome tremendous adversity to get the cases before the Federal Court, including ten months of relentless legal obstructions at the hands of the Conservative Party and their lawyers.
The harsh reality is that those Conservative obstructions have driven up legal costs significantly, and today the applicants are facing a discounted but hefty legal bill of $300,000, which they simply cannot pay on their own.
They’ve taken up the fight to defend our very democracy – and now, in these final hours – they really need our help.
What do you say? Will you please make a generous donation now to help wipe out their legal bill?
Just today, a new research report was released revealing the faith of Canadians in our democracy has hit a new low. These historic legal cases stand to be the very catalyst for restoring public faith and building a better Canada.
Maude Barlow
National Chairperson, The Council of Canadians
Please give as generously as you can through the Council’s site at (online form or PayPal).
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P.S. – These landmark legal cases are being funded by public donations from ordinary people like you who believe in democracy and that election fraud cannot be tolerated. Conservative Party lawyers have driven court costs up and donations are urgently needed for the upcoming Federal Court hearings. Your donation of $24, $52 or $365 will directly help the applicants pursue their legal actions for as long as it takes to restore the integrity of our democracy.