Activist Communique: Idle No More global day of action in Toronto – Monday
The Deets:
Monday January 28, 2013
12:00 pm noon
Nathan Phillips Sq (not Dundas Sq this time)
Toronto, ON
The Call Out:
In support of the global call out for actions, GTA residents are being asked to bring their spirits, drums, voices and dancing feet to Nathan Phillips Sq on Monday.
Even just drop by on your lunch break!
The Idle No More Movement is a grassroots movement, clearly no political organization speaks for Idle No More.
This movement is of the people… For The People!
The engineers were 4 Saskatchewan First Nations women, Nina Wilson, Sheelah Mclean, Sylvia McAdam and Jessica Gordon who said, “This day of action will peacefully protest attacks on Democracy, Indigenous Sovereignty, Human Rights and Environmental Protections when Canadian MPs return to the House of Commons on January 28th.”
** and remember Saturday’s Water Walk and ceremony. Meet at 12 pm noon at Spadina Avenue and Queen Street West for a ceremonial walk down to Lake Ontario to honour the water and all women who are water keepers.
More info on the water ceremony here:
Activist Communique: Toronto Water Ceremony for Idle No More