Photo by krystalline kraus

Here is a set of photos I took this afternoon of the 9th Annual Strawberry Ceremony for murdered and missing indigenous women.

At the end of January 2014, a new database that tracks the number of missing and murdered indigenous women, shows numbers that are frighteningly higher than previously thought.

A new PhD thesis, researched by Maryanne Pearce, who works as a federal civil servant in Ottawa, has led to the creation of a new database of missing or dead Canadian women. In Pearce’s research, 824 women who identify as Aboriginal are currently missing or murdered.

This number is much higher than the 582 names the Native Women’s Association of Canada compiled in 2009 in their database and presented to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Toronto has recently lost three young indigenous women, whose murders are currently unresolved. This list — not that any number of deaths can be done justice through a list — includes: Bella Laboucan-Massimo, Cheyenne Fox and Terra-Janine Gardner

More than 400 people rallied today at Toronto Police Headquarters.  

Please also see the link to this article: Imagine going to bed, then waking to find your mother’s missing.

Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...