Activist Communique: Emergency Rally – Demand an Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
The Deets:
Wednesday March 12, 2014
10:00 am
Start at The Sanctuary — 25 Charles St. East (just off Yonge)
Toronto, ON
The Call Out:
Fwd: Public Inquiry Now! #MMIW
A Vigil in remembrance of TERRA GARDNER, and our other daughters, who all died tragically over a 4 month period last Spring / Summer.
She is one of the many women who’s death received inadequate investigation and to demand that a NATIONAL PUBLIC INQUIRY be issued to investigate why so many missing and murdered women get sub-par investigations.
We will gather in remembrance of:
* TERRA JANINE GARDNER: (26 years young) (Ojibwe, from Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation, near Fort Frances, Ontario) whose life was taken when struck by a train on the tracks near Yonge and Summerhill on May 14, 2013. The police call her death an accident of her own misadventure, but failing to provide sufficient protective measures because she was a witness in a murder case.
If you have hot pink/fuchsia color clothing to wear or if you would like to bring pink flower(s); this was TERRA GARDNER’S favorite color. We will be laying the flowers in a special place. If anyone has cedar they would like to bring, we can lay it with the flowers.
Bring your own bundles, whatever that means to you, to keep you safe and warm. Water, medications, puffers, etc.
and for:
* CHEYENNE FOX: (20 years young) (Ojibwe, from Wikwemikong First Nation, on Manitoulin Island) who fell from the 24th floor of an apartment building in Don Mills on April 25, 2013. Her death was dismissed by police as a suicide, with no further investigation.
* BELLA LABOUCAN McLEAN: (25 years young) (Cree, from Sturgeon Lake First Nation, northern Alberta), who also fell from the 31st floor of an apartment building at 21 Iceboat Terrace on July 20, 2013. It took 12 hours for her ‘disappearance’ to be reported. In this case, the Police ARE treating this as ‘suspicious’, who as of March 14, (as far as we know) have yet to interview all witnesses.
This event is also in support of Tyendinaga and Shawn Brant who is also active in demanding the PUBLIC INQUIRY, and for the outrage that some of us feel for the arrests that were made on International Women’s Day, including the arrest of CHEYENNE Fox’s father as he was laying Sema / Tobacco on the tracks near the blockade, (as we understand the story).
This event is endorsed by Idle No More Toronto.
Dress warm it’s calling for snow; pls wear mitts, hats, extra socks.
Please come to help us honor, show love and remember Terra and all the MMIW.