The Deets:
Thursday May 1, 2014
5:30 pm
Start at Allen Gardens (Jarvis Street and College Street)
Toronto, ON
The Call Out:
Fwd: See vids from past May Days here.
On May 1st, International Workers Day, we will march to reclaim May Day for just people’s struggles and to Honour Our Communities. We are unified in our fight against poverty and capitalism. We oppose attacks on rights and income of workers, irrespective of status.
We demand an end to immigration detention because no one is illegal. We will continue our support for Indigenous peoples’ movements for self-determination. We oppose colonialism. We are in solidarity with struggles against Canadian imperialism. We insist on an end to environmental destruction. We resist patriarchy, racism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia both in our day-to-day work and as larger systems of oppression. Join Us!
*ASL will be provided on the main truck
*Accessibility van (Dundas Stn, SE elevator exit at Dundas Sq)
*More details will be provided soon!
Take a moment and imagine with us.
Worlds. Without rich or poor. Where land and freedom are sacred. Where wars are mere nightmares. Where home is not just an endless longing. Where migration is both celebrated and unnecessary. Worlds with bread and roses. Where we honour those who came before us and together write new futures. Where we are whole and not just what is written on our bodies. Worlds where we belong to the land, the four legged and the winged ones, not them to us. Worlds that are attuned to the earth’s polyphonic harmonies.
On May Day, let’s breathe together, and see the whole.
Apart, many times we have faltered, many times we have lost sight. We are parts of the greater puzzle, each of us responsible to all our relations. These worlds are not just hopes; they must be plans. Our plans.
Our struggles are not just to end immigration detentions or to ensure services and status for all. For each one freed, each one fed, each one dignified is a new flame in the fires we are stoking. Our songs and stories, our words and pictures together are the blueprint for what will come after.
Each pipeline blocked, each mining company bankrupted, each shelter reclaimed lays the foundations for these worlds. Every child taught, every elder honored, each dead remembered, every living being fought for, sprouts new seeds, deeper roots.
This May Day let us conspire; let us breathe; let us march; let us imagine and then birth; let us be stronger, together.
Coordinated by a coalition of community groups including No One Is Illegal — Toronto, May 1st Movement and Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. To endorse the event, fill out this form
Community Action Centre of the Student Association at George Brown College
Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly
Health for All Toronto
Idle No More Toronto
Jane Finch Action Against Poverty (JFAAP)
Maggie’s – Toronto Sex Workers’ Action Project
Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas
Socialist Action / Ligue pour l’Action socialiste
Student Christian Movement
Toronto New Socialists
York Federation of Students
– Organize a contingent: bring a group of people from your class, organization, neighbourhood, or union local to this demonstration, bring your demands, banners, flags and signs.
– Help fund a bus, food, transit tokens, ASL, and materials for the day. If you or your organization or union local can make donations of money or in-kind, please help us make this day as participatory and accessible as possible. Cheques can be made to No One Is Illegal and mailed to 260 Queen Street West, PO Box 60006, Toronto, ON M5V 1Z8. Please put “May Day” in the memo line and email [email protected] to let us know.
– Get the word out. Call, text, and email your friends. Share the facebook events, or better yet, start your own! Make sure to tag everything, including pictures and videos after, with the hashtag #May1TO.”