Do you remember, back in February, when polls said that 82 percent of Canadians supported Bill C-51? As of April 9th, Forum Research reported that 56 per cent of those aware of Bill C-51 disapprove of the legislation, while 33 per cent support it.
With days of action, and last week’s week of education, people across the country are taking action, talking to each other. I was running a door to door canvass in Scarborough and, I can say from experience, people are concerned about this bill. We need to do more. has a great webpage helping to coordinate online actions and providing links to local organizers.
Right now there are two online actions you can take
1) Write to your MP, using this handy tool.
2) Write a letter to your local newspaper’s editor.
Here in Toronto, our next action is on May 1. A feeder march is being organizer to join the May Day parade. Sign up on facebook here.