In a society that likes to proclaim equality, especially between different races, combatting white privilege is still a really valuable outlet for your activist energy. If you’re looking for a campaign to support, try the UnFair campaign. With the tag line “it’s hard to see racism when you’re white,” you can be sure the campaign will focus on unearthing uncomfortable realities. It’s a poster that can actually get through to your “racism is a thing of the past!” friends, or help your mom understand some of her long-held discriminatory behaviour.
Try the media kit for three really powerful posters, or the perspective page for a list of like-minded sites and organizations. A quick summary of what you’ll find in the Un-Fair campaign:
-examples of white privilege
-advice to advance your understanding of structural racism
-campaign materials like posters and billboards
-tips to be a good anti-racist ally
-calendar of events
-videos and other action resources
-links to other helpful organizations
-community contributions like poems and editorials