Dear rabble readers,
Strong and independent journalism can make a huge impact. Corporate media wants to frame how you think about issues. At rabble, our mission is to bring you news for the rest of us.
We work on a shoestring budget, but our grassroots team of mobilized and engaged readers across the country has proven, time and time again, that if everyone chips in to support news, we can strengthen media democracy in this country.
Please sign on for our special fundraiser to support our parliamentary reporter, Karl Nerenberg. We need to reach $2500/month on our patreon page by year’s end to keep Karl on the Hill!
Canadians who want to make sense of the politics and policy coming out of Ottawa need Karl’s distinct political analysis and frontline reporting. Karl has been on Parl for eight years — through both Conservative and Liberal governments — and will continue to write truth to power, asking the hardest-hitting questions of them all. But he can’t keep it up without you.
And we appreciate your support! If you sign up as a patreon supporter — right now for as little as $1/month — you’ll get a special VIP invite for the next online discussion with Karl Nerenberg and guests on December 17 at 7 p.m. EST.
If you can spare a little more, you will get a fresh copy of Donald Gutstein’s The Big Stall, courtesy of Lorimer Publishing, or a special union-made rabble tote bag (for all of your holiday shopping needs!).
It’s never a one-size-fits-all fundraiser, so whatever way you can chip in — such as sharing this message with your friends and family — will be a gift to us!
In solidarity,
Kim Elliott