Confused by news about Ukraine? This film, set for release in early Spring 2015, will be a vital educational tool, clarifying the complexities of war and occupation in Ukraine. It will allow real voices to be heard quickly, in order for lasting change to occur From the making of Molotov Cocktails to the organizing of educational events,this is the story of a revolution within a revolution: Ukrainian women from all regions and backgrounds at the front lines of a people’s uprising. … Meet H, who left her husband and children to cook in an army tent for six cold months; A, who works to keep LGBT issues at the forefront of EU negotiations; R, who helps Crimean refugees get settled in Kyiv, and M, who documents the long list of those wounded by the Berkut security forces. Between November 2013 and February 2014, Ukrainians from all walks of life occupied squares in their towns and cities, demanding overthrow of a corrupt government and entry into the European Union. This “Euromaidan revolution” has been instrumental in creating a new future in Ukraine.
Here’s why this film is important… According to a UN estimate, over 400 people, including many civilians, have been killed in eastern Ukraine since early May 2014. In Russian-occupied Crimea, breaches of human rights against Tatars, Jews and the LGBT community are mounting. In this film we will meet women from Kyiv, Crimea, Kharkiv, Zaporizhiya and Odessa who were active in the Euromaidans (squares) in their cities and towns and now work for peace. The film will document how their personal experiences of corruption and injustice turned them into activists. When the first government-backed sniper attacks began in Kyiv, women were told by male organizers to stay away. They responded by forming the “Zhinocha Sotnya” – the women’s unit. Hundreds joined – lawyers, doctors, housewives, community organizers, artists: a group of highly skilled women who had enormous impact not only on the revolution, but also on Ukrainian society. Documenting these struggles will provide awareness about the Russian occupation in eastern and southern Ukraine. It will encourage others to consider the impact of human rights violations, and the need for peace. Most media reports focus on government activity and military initiatives: in this film, focus is placed on grassroots organizing, as activists move forward peacefully building civil society.
Our campaign
-Help sponsor a film telling the untold story of the women of the Euromaidan
-Human rights injustices against LGBT, Jewish, and Tatar communities are occurring in occupied Ukraine
-Earlier this year Ukrainians overthrew a corrupt government, and are now building a new civil society
-Women are at the forefront of this revolution!
Our Film
-Will help tell the story of these brave women
-Will fight misinformation about Ukraine, providing a perspective not seen in mainstream media
-Will allow people around the world to see what is truly happening in Ukraine
This Project + You
-Can help fight socio-political injustices
-Can allow oppressed voices to be heard
-Can be part of a revolution!