We were all shocked when three boats of the Israeli navy had surrounded the Marianne in international waters, while sailing she was approximately 100NM from Gaza coast, in international waters. Listen to and read accounts by Bob Lovelace and Ann Wright who were part of the Freedom Flotilla III, which was trying to bring humanitarian relief to Gaza and bring attention to the blockade. Click here to watch the video of the boarding of the flotilla
This is the third time a flotilla of small ships has tried to deliver goods to Gaza. In 2010, Israeli commandos boarded one of the boats carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza. Nine people, including a teenager, were killed.
Judith Deutsch published this great article in NOW Toronto about what Canadian people are doing to raise awareness and support for Palestinians. However she also talks about the research by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) that reveals that in 2011, the CPP had about $1.5 billion worth of shares in 66 large, international companies that supply Israel with military, police, surveillance and/or prison-related products and services. Five other large Canadian pension funds had invested an additional $3 billion in these 66 companies.
Shouldn’t you have a say in whether your money is invested in the production of weapons, military vehicles or other major technologies and services that support Israel’s armed forces, its police, and prisons?