Like practically every Quebecer and most media commentators, I have always been reluctant to criticize doctors. One reason, of course, is the complexity of the subject matter. But the main one is that we have elevated these people who save lives to myth-like stature. So much so, in fact, that when they make their repeated demands on the system, we find it difficult to say that they often behave no better than plain old businessmen seeking to increase their already handsome profit margins. And we find it difficult to decry their methods when, to reach these ends, they resort to blackmail and the lowest forms of propaganda.

[…continues below…]

— Translation by Nathan Rao.

Editor notes: Quebec-based commentator Gil Courtemanche’s column is published every two weeks in Le Devoir. It appears at with permission.

Gil Courtemanche writes in French. As many of you read French, we’re offering you a chance to read Gil’s commentaries in the language in which they’re written. Please continue to let rabble know what you think of this approach.

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