Dear friends:
We get lots of mail, but last week we got a few emails we love — non-solicited emails that we hope will encourage you to become a member of rabble and support our non-profit alternative news site.
One was from Victoria Fenner who does the podcast The Roaming Ear on‘s podcast network. Victoria has been a radio producer for 20 years and she said that someone asked her why she is with the rpn and not hosted elsewhere. She wrote to the podcasters at that she likes the community of rabble podcasters, likes the technical ease of our platform and likes being part of who can get the word out about great podcasts.
Then Dan Kellar jumped in. Dan is one of the producers of AW@L who had a podcast last week that we featured on the front page: “Youth Leader Speaks Out: on unity and the ongoing destruction and resistance in Ontario First Nations.“
Dan wrote “What I would add is that rabble is one of the few media outlets based in Canada that is actively encouraging citizen journalism and is the largest alternative media community in Canada.‘s commitment to be a portal for the dissemination of important grassroots voices needs to be fully supported. Go rabble!”
We are proud of the rabble podcast network; one of the first podcast networks in Canada and still going strong and growing. Just like the rest of We have been adding new features with some exciting new developments coming in the fall, including a special rabbletv feature we are working on.
What makes our podcast network, in fact all of rabble possible, is of course community memberships. Just like public radio and public tv, rabble depends on its communities of visitors to keep it going strong. One difference though is that we don’t give out tote bags and coffee mugs as thank you gifts. Join right now for at least $5/month and you get a subscription to one of the many print magazines that we have partnered with for our membership drive. Magazines you can choose from include The New Internationalist, Mother Jones, Our Times, This Magazine, Herizons, the Dominion, Alternatives Magazine and many, many more as a “thank you” for your support.
*PLUS we have extended our “bonus book” offer to Aug. 7th.* This means that if you become a member by Aug. 7th you also get a signed copy of one of the following books:
*Maude Barlow, Blue Covenant: The Global Water **Crisis and the Coming Battle for the
Right to Water;
*Rawi Hage, Cockroach;
*Lawrence Hill, Any Known Blood;
*Monia Mazigh, Hope and Despair: My Struggle to Free my Husband, Maher Arar;
*Judy Rebick, Transforming Power;
*Don Tapscott, Grown up Digital;
*Col. Ann Wright & Susan Dixon, DISSENT: Voices of Conscience: Government Insiders Speak out Against the
War in Iraq*
Thank you for visiting rabble and supporting alternative media.
Kim Elliott, Publisher
p.s. want to donate but don’t want to be a rabble member? You can donate using
our secure online form right now.