I hear that Steven Harper’s got a few other Beatles tunes in his repertoire aside from,
“I get by with a little help from my friends”
Carry that Weight (after I recalibrate)
Because (I can)
I feel fine (because I’m always right)
Revolution (oops, sorry that was Mike Harris)
Can’t buy me love (but I can buy votes with your tax dollars)
Fixing a hole (after I climb out of it)
Don’t bother me (you’re nothing to me)
The End (of Parliament’s supremacy)
Everybody’s got something to hide (no Afghan detainees here)
Fool on the hill (he never shows his feelings)
Golden slumbers (until March 3)
Hello, Goodbye (close the door on your way out)
It won’t be long (before I get my majority)
It’s all too much (so I prorogue)
Good night (see you on March 3)
Got to get you into of my life (or should that be “out”)
Misery (parliament sucks)
Money (the fundamentals are sound)
No reply (well, the House is shut down, what do you expect?)
I’m so tired (of any and all opposition)
Let it be (I’m working)
Nowhere man (hope that’s not where I end up)
Piggies (stirring up the dirt)
Taxman (HST? you ain’t seen nothing yet)
Wait (until March 3)
We can work it out (if you do what I tell you)
You can’t do that (resume Parliament)
Please please me (sung to the conservative caucus)
The long and winding road (to a majority government)
Help! (I don’t appreciate you being ’round)
Her Majesty (prorogue please)
I’m looking through you (because you don’t matter)
I’m down (I just might have to move out of 24 Sussex)
And here’s the one that he only sings in the shower:
I’m a loser (but don’t tell Leanne)