This morning what is being described in mainstream media and social media as a riot broke out on Georgia and Granville, Vancouver’s busy shopping district. Video below from Vancouver’s Media Coop shows a window being broken by masked activists.

The news broke within seconds on Twitter. Both general public and activists have been reporting on the events on twitter. Here’s a sample of the reporting: 

@kellyowarrior PHOTO Anti Olympic protest at homer and Georgia. #Vancouver #no2010 RT@whenpigsflyyy less than 20 seconds ago from Twitterrific

@CBauder RT @vanmediacoop: woman nonviolently protesting shoved by cops & arrested. She said: this kind of repression is exactly why we take to the streets #no2010 1 minute ago from Power Twitter

@leftwingedmama RT @lynneux: AGREE. RT @kaler The #no2010 protestors need to man up and condemn the anarchists. They are tainting your cause 2 minutes ago from we

@ungagme RT @stimulator: @stephenhui Dozens of anti-Olympic protesters gathering @ Main Street Station for Heart Attack action. #no2010 2 minutes ago from Power Twitter

@sakura1979: 50 people arrested surrounded by riot cops and paddy wagons at Robson and Jervis in DT Vancouver. #no2010 #report2010 @vanmediacoop 3 minutes ago from web

(Search for the #no2010 hashtag on for more)

This morning’s action will no doubt bring about a sharpened debate about where the line is drawn on peaceful protests. Debates about good and bad protestors will emerge in mainstream media. There are certainly powerful debates in activist circles about the diversity of tactics approach.

The destruction of private property (the basis for calling this morning’s action a riot) happened at a rally organized as part of a diversity of actions, described as: Heart Attack

Here is a description from: Heart Attack:

“What do you mean by diversity of tactics?

Diversity of tactics means support for each others’ chosen method of resistance while not threatening the lives of those around us. It is a way by which we hope to create space for the realization of tension, uncertainty, action, humour and beauty as we strive for new ways to engage with each other and against a common enemy. While we may practice one tactic or action, we do not chose yours. As participants we agree to leave the policing of tactics to our oppressors, not our comrades; we will not attack each other for using methods that are not our own. Through a diversity of tactics we are stronger and more cohesive towards our goal of giving Capitalism a massive coronary.

What should we bring?
* A Nalgene or bottle of water
* Sharpies
* Band aids
* Money to take a cab


Kim Elliott

Kim Elliott operated as publisher for between 2006-2023.