Recently, NDP leader Jack Layton focused attention on the cozy relationship between corporate and government propaganda by identifying eight former corporate PR flacks working in Paul Martin’s PMO. Six of them had been active corporate lobbyists within a year of being hired and three were active corporate lobbyists just weeks before entering the PMO, boasting mega-corporations such as Hill & Knowlton and BCE on their CVs.

“My fundamental worry is that what we have here is the takeover of the PMO by a series of lobbyists whose connections are to the largest polluters, companies which have been involved in military activity, companies which are interested in GMO foods and the big pharmaceuticals,” Layton said. “All of these firms end up with friends on the inside of the PMO.”

Current media attention notwithstanding, the collaboration between corporate and government propaganda is nothing new.

John Stauber describes himself as “an investigative writer” and “democracy activist.” He has co-authored four books on propaganda and edits PR Watch, a newsletter for the Centre for Media and Democracy in Wisconsin, which he founded in 1993. His project is to provide resources for journalists and researchers “seeking to recognize and combat manipulative and misleading PR practices.”

What advice would you offer to overworked, underpaid, independent journalists who encounter corporate or government PR officials in their daily work?

First, understand the size, scope, power and breadth of the PR industry. Second, realize that public relations professionals are typically former journalists who excel at getting the media coverage they want for their clients from overworked, underpaid, on-deadline reporters. Third, remember there is no such thing as a free lunch; any assistance or ideas or perks that come from flacks are part of their cultivation of journalists for their own purposes. Fourth, create stories that investigate the spin and PR, and expose the propaganda campaigns of special interests, rather than taking stories from PR flacks and passing them on as news.

If some government or corporate entity is trying to manage public perception through a media campaign, there is very often a much deeper, more important and more interesting story behind that media campaign. “Follow the money” is a good tip for journalists, but so is “unravel and expose the propaganda.” Visit and read PR trade press websites like O’Dwyer’s PR Daily and become familiar with how flacks view journalists and the news media, and how they do their work. Be prepared to buck cowardly editors and news directors unwilling to step on the toes of advertisers, eager to please advertisers with favourable stories.

What should critical news readers look for when they assess the news they’re exposed to?

The academics who have tried to ascertain how much of mainstream news is the result of organized PR typically find that 40 per cent or more of the news is the product of public relations. The PR experts know that getting a journalist to turn PR into reporting is golden. The media as business are supported by and financially dependent upon corporate advertising; it’s their life blood. The media know that well-packaged and marketed sex and sensationalism and controversy and violence and nationalistic puffery gain audience share, and audience share determines advertising revenue, their bottom line.

The media are businesses that deliver your brain to advertisers; they are big business themselves, and they are more and more unwilling to engage in, support, initiate or even tolerate the gutsy, investigative journalism that might offend special interests but is essential to democracy.

The best way to get news now is to use the web and access many different sources, using features like google and yahoo and lexis/nexis, finding websites and newspapers and magazines online that provide in-depth and independent coverage. The viewpoint most lacking in the mainstream press is usually the critical voice willing to expose special interests

How can independent journalists and critical news readers work together to demand accountability?

Independent journalists need to have the courage and integrity to pursue their craft even if it threatens their livelihood. This often means considering finding alternative venues, perhaps working for a non-profit public interest organization, pursuing books and freelancing, and utilizing new technologies like websites, blogs and listservs.

Citizens need to fight media monopolies and support independent media and courageous reporters both morally and with contributions of cash. We must all realize that our media and our democracy are in a crisis because of the shared monopolies dominating news reporting. Citizens need to stop thinking of “news” as some sort of mental fast-food you can get with a quick scan of the paper or channel-flipping for half an hour. The best news is now available via the web and public radio stations and weekly/community papers, because that’s where the most diversity and independent voices now exist. But news consumers have to become wise in the ways of media literacy, understanding the politics and business of the news media. And, a political movement needs to develop and grow that is dedicated to protecting and enhancing independent, brave and investigative sources of news and information, because without a courageous free press, democracy withers and dies.