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Dear Friends,

Now more than ever, in the face of corporate media, Canadians need alternatives. rabble.ca is a community supported progressive non-profit media site, and we are asking for your support. You can support us with a donation to rabble right now.

Because of people like you, rabble.ca is growing. rabble is reaching new audiences, offering new features, promoting new voices and making a difference. rabble is at a crucial stage in our growth and, like community radio and television, we depend on support from the community to exist.

What has rabble been doing? We have made every dollar count. rabble has:

-launched rabbletv, featuring live and pre-recorded video, including our special Canadian music feature, indie inside, that highlights unsigned Canadian talent.

-hosted a high profile election blog with contributors from across Canada (drawing tens of thousands of unique readers) and launched a one-stop hub for Liberal-NDP coalition news featuring articles, blogs, video, photos, events and more.

-best of all we have launched a redesigned rabble.ca! Our new site is more interactive, has great new features and voices, is easier to search, and is even more technically stable (making it more economical to run).

rabble.ca received no institutional support for our redesign; we couldn’t have done it without individuals like you who care about independent media. Donors will be entered into a draw to win one of the following "thank you" prizes:

-A weekend getaway on an island off the coast from Vancouver! We will fly you and a guest from anywhere in Canada to Vancouver, and then a short boat ride later you will be enjoying a stay at a beautiful cabin on a Gulf Island – with the cabin all to yourselves for a long weekend.

-An ipod: listen to shows like rabble radio and watch rabbletv on the go!

-A Canadian independent music CD prize pack (5 sets) with 5 CDs with artists from rabbletv’s indie inside program.

-A Fernwood Books prize pack (5 sets). Each set contains: Edible Action: Food Activism and Alternative Economics by Sally Miller; Economics for Everyone: A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism by Jim Stanford; Guantanamo North: Terrorism and the Administration of Justice in Canada by Robert Diab; The World We Wish To See: Revolutionary Objectives in the Twenty First Century by Samir Amin; and Back Talk: Plays of Black Experience by Louise Delisle.

Plus, if you give at least $50 we will send you a copy of the new Best of rabble.ca – 2.0 book!

Donating to rabble.ca is one of the best ways to build a home for progressive voices. rabble is a big voice with a small budget, but even that budget can be a challenge to meet – and we can’t do it without individual support. We don’t receive any government support and have no major foundational support. It’s up to people like you.

Progressive media, like progressive people, can’t wait for change. That’s why rabble.ca was created – to help people like you be the change we want to see in the world. Can you join Linda McQuaig, Noam Chomsky and Matthew Good in supporting rabble.ca? For just a few dollars you will be an important part of strengthening independent media in Canada and you can win a great prize (like that weekend island getaway) and get a copy of our new Best of rabble – 2.0 book.

With your help, we can continue to improve the site, reach a larger audience and become more financially stable. Please do it now at: /donate

Thank you for your support.


Kim Elliott, Publisher

Duncan Cameron, Associate Publisher

Diane Touchette, Treasurer

P.S.: Looking for a great gift for the holidays? Why not give a rabble membership ($5/month or $60) in a friend’s name and they get a print magazine subscription or one of our other cool gifts! Details at Donate

P.P.S: If you can’t check the site as often as you want but still want to keep track of new stories, as well as what’s happening in the rabble.ca community (babble, podcasts, tv, books, activist advice, events & more!) sign up for our free regular e-mail newsletter: http://www.rabble.ca/alerts

P.P.P.S: Please note that in order to remain independent rabble.ca cannot issue tax receipts.

Derrick O'Keefe

Derrick O'Keefe

Derrick O'Keefe is a writer in Vancouver, B.C. He served as rabble.ca's editor from 2012 to 2013 and from 2008 to 2009.