Now that everybody and their grandmother thinks they know what anarchy is, why not find out two perspectives about anarchy for yourself — and then tell your grandmother.
I mean, everybody’s grandmother is just dying to hear about anarchy, right! You can talk about it as she sews patches over the old patches that are currently struggling to keep your pants together, or while you two are baking cupcakes for the revolution!
Also, I’ve included an amazing song about Anarchy you and grandma can sing along, too! It even includes the lyrics!
Another good idea is to read about it! C’mon who the frak needs Farmville when there are so many good books out there!
Note of clarification, staying true to the politics, Gord Hill and Peter Gelderloos cannot be considered the leaders of the anarchist movement anymore than Maude Barlow could be considered the leader the FTTA protests in Quebec City in April against the FTAA. Just throwing that out there to any mainstream media people or police (HI GRANDMA! — just joking) reading this blog.
Here are the details about tonight’s events:
Anarchy Works!
500 Years of Resistance | Anarchy Works
Monday, 07 June 2010, 6-8pm
Location: Hart House South Dining Room, University of Toronto
7 Hart House Circle
500 Years of Resistance. Anarchy Works
With Gord Hill and Peter Gelderloos
500 Years of Resistance: A powerful and historically accurate graphic portrayal of Indigenous peoples’ resistance to the European colonization of the Americas, beginning with the Spanish invasion under Christopher Columbus and ending with the Six Nations land reclamation in Ontario in 2006. Gord Hill spent two years unearthing images and researching historical information to create The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book, which presents the story of Aboriginal resistance in a far-reaching format.
About the Artist: Gord Hill is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw nation. He is a writer, an artist, and a militant activist. He has been active in the Indigenous resistance, anticolonial, and anticapitalist movements-often using the pseudonym Zig Zag. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Anarchy Works:
But only if we fight for it. The long histories of resistance, indigenous and otherwise, to colonization, capitalism, and the State make it obvious that free societies, without coercive hierarchies or private ownership and their attendant police forces, are imminently possible. But how do we win the fight against the power structures that make self-determination and autonomy impossible? What can we learn from recent insurrections in Greece and elsewhere? As the G20 prepare to come to town, how do we put anarchy in practice as a fiercely horizontal, unstoppable struggle against authority and repression?
Peter Gelderloos is an anarchist from Virginia, who currently lives in Barcelona, where he participates in a squatted social center, neighborhood garden, and other aspects of the local anarchist struggle. He has written the recent books Anarchy Works and To Get to the Other Side ( as well as How Nonviolence Protects the State, Consensus, and a number of essays and pamphlets.
Organized by Toronto area activists and troublemakers that encourage you to join G20 mobilizations. Check out the full schedule of what is going down at