Salut Rebellions,
Here is more information to help keep you safe out there on the streets. The more you know your rights, the more the police know you know your rights!
Remember that this information is not meant to scare or intimidate you, but give you the straight goods so you can plan ahead for the demo. Planning ahead and knowing your rights are the two best ways to protect yourself from state-sponsored trouble.
Three huge cheers to the Movement Defence Committee:
Hooray Hooray Hooray — thank them now because (but hopefully not) you might be thanking them later!
It is hosting a Know Your Rights workshop at the People’s Summit on Saturday June 19 3:00-5:00 p.m. and Sunday June 20 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. noon at Ryerson University.
1: What to do when the police come knocking (a must read, or re-read, and jot down the number)
Developed by the Movement Defence Committee and the Summit Legal Project of the Law Union on Ontario
Up to June 17th:
416-833-6137 (cell)
June 18th – June 30th:
Arrests/detention/jail calls = 416-273-6761
Family and friends = 416-273-6781
TTY = 416-531-0060
<– feel free to call these numbers if you confront any policing/CSIS/Security issues. Call — reach out — you are NOT ALONE
If the police question or search you:
– You do not have to identify yourself unless under you are under arrest (except when driving a motor vehicle) and you do not have to answer any questions
– Simply ask the police if they have a warrant; if they do not, tell them you are not going to talk to them. Remember anything you say to police can be used against you, even at a later date. As well, though they may present themselves as wanting to assist with demonstrations and organizing, they are also gathering intelligence to use against our movements. It is best to simply avoid talking to police.
– If they persist, call the legal number and tell the officer you are contacting a lawyer.
– Send an email to us ([email protected]) and include details, especially the time, date, location officer’s name or badge number and what they asked.
– If the police have an arrest warrant, first ask who it is for; remember that police can enter a building to find that person if they have a good reason to believe that they are in the building. You should exit the building and ask to see the warrant before getting the person, or have the officer slip it under the door. Make sure it is signed by a judge or justice of the peace, it is dated correctly and it clearly sets out who it is for. It may be a good idea to have the wanted person present themselves if they are inside so the police do not enter the building.
– You do not have to allow police to search your belongings or your office/home unless they have a search warrant; if they insist on searching without a warrant, state loudly and repeatedly that you are not consenting to a search, but do not physically interfere.
– If they do have a search warrant, ask to see it (again, step out of the building, or have them slip it under the door). Make sure it has the correct address and date and is signed by a judge or justice of the peace. You have the right to get advice from a lawyer; say you want to speak to a lawyer and call the legal support number.
– If you are arrested, you only need to give your name, address and date of birth. Be very careful about what you say to officers, or even to others in custody; this information can be used against you. It is best not to talk about the circumstances of your arrest at all.
– If you are arrested, you have a right to speak with a lawyer before answering any questions. Insist on this, and call the legal support number, we will do our best to get you legal advice and free representation at your bail hearing. If your friends are arrested call the legal office with their names and surety contacts. If you need an update or want to help with court support, contact us at [email protected] or 416-833-6137. Our website is
For more detailed Know Your Rights info, check out the Olympic Resistance Network
2: Police/CSIS Intimidation:
Taking a page from the policing of the Vancouver Olympics (Ha! They aren’t the only ones who can learn!), is reporting that police have been visiting activists at meetings, etc, wanting to be helpful. “Oh thanks, officer, for picking me up after you’ve knocked me down with your baton.”
Quote: “Elley Newman, a board member of the group does not believe that the police were trying to just keep channels open. “I think they’re try to figure out what people are doing for protests so they can prepare for how to deal with it and so it’s easier for them to try to shut protests down. I think it is dishonest trying to go into a safe space where people are organizing as an infiltrator. They say ‘We want to work with you’, which I don’t think is realistic or the case.”
Here are two individual stories about CSIS intimidation tactics:
Also, here’s an article from bout how G20 police won’t rule out breaking the law and deploying agent provocateurs.
3: Policing on the Streets:
Here’s what $1.1-billion buys the police (and your tax dollars paid for). This article provides a breakdown on what to expect police-wise.
Toronto’s Temporary Jail during the G8/G20 protests downtown will be an old movie studio on Eastern Avenue, about 5K away from the city centre.
A quote from our police chief keeping us safe from ourselves: “As such, the facility, which will allow the timely processing of those arrested, will be outside the two security zones that will surround the meeting.
“We are doing a lot of work to make sure we mitigate and minimize the disruption,” Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair.
As an attaché, Toronto Emergency Medical Services released a call out asking for doctors and other medical professionals to assist in treating the injured at the jail and on the streets.
And here’s the text to a Toronto Police Service News Release:
G20 CCTV security camera installation complete, Locations announced
“Wednesday, June 2, 2010 – 2:40 p.m.
Public Information
In preparation for the G20 Summit, security measures are being undertaken to ensure the safety of all those who live in, and visit, our city.
The installation of CCTV security cameras in the downtown core is now complete. These cameras are in addition to 18 Toronto Police Service security cameras already in place.
These additional cameras will support the G20 security measures and will be monitored during the course of the event. The additional CCTV security cameras will be removed at the completion of the G20 Summit.
CCTV security camera locations:
University & Armoury East
University & Armoury West
University & Dundas East
University & Dundas West
52 Division, 255 Dundas Street West
Yonge & Queen
Queen & Bay
Queen & Sheraton Hotel
Queen & University North
Queen & University South
Queen & Duncan
Queen & John
Queen & Peter
Duncan & Pearl
King & Peter
King & John
King & Metro Hall
King & Simcoe
Richmond & University
Richmond & York
Richmond & Bay
Richmond & Sheppard
Richmond & Yonge
Adelaide & Yonge
Adelaide & Bay North
Adelaide & Bay South
Adelaide & Sheppard
Adelaide & York
Adelaide & University
King & University
King & York North
King & York South
King & Toronto Stock Exchange
King & Bank of Montreal
King & Bay North
King & Bay South
King & Yonge
Wellington & Yonge
Wellington & Bay North
Wellington & Bay South
Wellington & TD Bank
Wellington & York
Wellington & University
Wellington & Simcoe North
Wellington & Simcoe South
Wellington & Metro Hall North
Wellington & Metro Hall South
Wellington & John
Wellington & Windsor
Front & Windsor North
Front & Windsor South
Front & John North
Front & Simcoe
Front & Royal York Hotel
Front & Bay South
Front & Yonge
York & Bremner
Bremner & Lakeshore North
Bremner & Lakeshore South
Simcoe Drive
Simcoe & Lakeshore North
Simcoe & Lakeshore South
College & Yonge
TPS HQ – 40 College St.
Grenville & Bay
College & Bay
Click here for CCTV information on the Toronto Police Service website
The 2010 G8-G20 Integrated Security Unit has the mandate to ensure safe and secure summits in Huntsville and Toronto in June 2010 for all participants, visitors and residents. The ISU is comprised of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Toronto Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, Peel Regional Police and the Canadian Forces.
For further information, please contact the Integrated Security Unit’s Media Relations line at 1-888-338-3738.
Constable Wendy Drummond, Public Affairs and Communications Team, Toronto Police Service G20 Planning Team
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