An extraordinary alliance is building up in Quebec to defeat the Bloc, and pushing Jack and the NDP forward. It is extraordinary because of its political nature. Pro Harper supporters, “experts” and commentators are part of this alliance. So are masses of former Liberals (federal and provincial) who are saying Jack is the alternative in Quebec. They are gesticulating left, right and center to applaud the recent increase of interest and the fact that polls indicate that the NDP is running hard in many ridings where Bloc MPs have gained by a small margin against Conservatives and Liberals in the last election (with the NDP coming fourth usually).

How to explain that the ultra right and the right are behind Jack?!

The answer relies in the peculiar nature of class politics in Canada. For most of the last 50 years, the challenge to Canadian elites has come mostly from Quebec nationalism, not from Canadian social-democrats. In addition, the issue is not just about a government, but about the Canadian state built on the colonial compact that subjugated Québécois and Natives long ago, which was skilfully used by the elites to divide and rule. Quebec nationalists threaten that.

Left Canadians would say (as well as left Québécois) that the nationalist project, in itself, has never been very radical and anti-capitalist. This is true. Nonetheless, it has shaken the boots of the Canadian establishment. It became the “mortal enemy”, despite the many attempts by the PQ to offer a reasonable “new deal”.

So the same very elites, when they see the opportunity to weaken the Bloc, even by Jack, will have no hesitation to use it. For sure they would prefer to see the Conservatives making gains. But bashing the nationalist is a higher priority, even if the “price” to pay is a few more NDP MPs.

These are hard and unpleasant facts to consider. But putting our head into the sand is no solution. I believe that Canadian progressives should say something about this, perhaps directly to Jack.



Pierre Beaudet

Pierre was active in international solidarity and social movements in Quebec, and was the founder of Quebec NGO Alternatives, and Editor of the Nouveaux cahiers du socialisme. He blogged on in...