We Will Not Let Israel Control Palestinian or International Waters
It is imperative that we mobilize in order to ensure that Israeli and the Canadian governments know that the world is watching, and that we demand that all passengers and crew of the Dignité be released so as to continue their legal travel to Gaza. Supporters of the Flotilla and the Palestinians of Gaza need to press for the Dignité delegation and the boat to be freed. There is no legal reason for Israel to stop the Dignité and detain its crew and passengers. The Dignité was in international waters when boarded in which Israel has no legal jurisdiction.
We are calling on supporters and all concerned people to hold public demonstrations and to contact Israeli and Canadian government representatives.
1. We ask people to write Canadian MPs, the Minister of FOreign Affairs and Opposition critics to demand that Canada condemn Israel’s illegal actions and to remind them of Canada’s Consular obligations with regards to Canadians in international environments. Tell them that the obligations are clearly established in international law and, more specifically, under the terms of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations <http://untreaty.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/conventions/9_2_1963.pdf> , to which Canada is a signatory. TEMPLATES for letters below.
2. Keep up local actions, which might include vigils, demonstrations at consulates or embassies or governement offices, or other creative actions aimed at drawing public attention to the situation.
3. Continue tweeting and using social networking to spread messages and images far and wide.