Pamela Geller just issued a statement on the vandals of Bloc Identitaire found guilty of destroying the building of a mosque in France. The Far-right militants were convicted and received suspended sentences and a major fine for their racist actions against the Muslim community. But Pamela Geller, opens her statement with “Far-right militants? Hardly. These are young people who care about the future of their country.” We are approaching the one year anniversary of the horrific killings in a mosque in Quebec. Do we want this kind of hate spewed in our country?
The Jewish Defence League (JDL) has invited Islamophobe propagandist Pamela Geller to speak in an event on December, 18, 2017 at the Canada Christian College in Toronto. She was refused entry in the United Kingdom in 2013 and given her ramped up hatemongering, Canada should deny her entry later this month.
The Groupe de recherche sur l’extrême droite et ses allié-e-s (GREDA) has been leading the charge to keep her out. They have some great information and tools on their website. Send letter, call your MPs and let’s show Pam that she has no place in Canada.