The Income Security Advocacy Centre offers a number of free resources including the Ending Poverty workshop (pdf). A Word Version is also available on the site.
This manual contains a number of activities, using a popular education approach, to explore issues and potential actions around poverty.
From the introducation to the manual:
“Campaign 2000 and the Income Security Advocacy Centre (ISAC) are working with low income people and key community stakeholders to undertake this community organizing and capacity building project on poverty reduction.
In 2007 the Ontario Government committed to make poverty reduction a priority over its 4-year mandate. Campaign 2000 and the Income Security Advocacy Centre want to ensure that the voices of low income people are heard and reflected in this work. We also want to broaden community support to reduce and end poverty by outreaching to other stakeholders in our communities, such as labour, business, faith groups and health providers. We believe that the wider the range of voices providing input on what is needed to end poverty and tracking government progress on its promise, the more effective our efforts will be.
This manual has been developed to assist facilitators to hold community-based workshops with low income people and other community members active in ending poverty. The workshop is designed to encourage discussion about what is needed to end poverty in Ontario, and to identify actions that can be taken within your community. . .
The Income Security Advocacy Centre and Campaign 2000 wish to acknowledge the work of chris cavanagh and the Catalyst Centre for adapting and designing the activities in this manual. Also a big thanks goes out to the Stop Community Food Centre who organized a successful and energetic pilot that provided invaluable feedback with which to improve this manual.
Finally, we wish to thank the funders who have provided the financial support to make this possible: the George C. Metcalf Charitable Foundation; the Provincial Learning Action Committee; and Legal Aid Ontario / Aide juridique Ontario.”