rabble.ca received this message from bethevote.ca.  Given the changes to voting regulations this election, it is important that we let people know that they can vote on election day at their polling station whether or not they have registered beforehand or have a Voter Information Card, and that we make sure that people have the identification that is now required to vote.

from Be The Vote:

Elections Canada spokespeople are repeatedly telling the public that the most important thing to do is register and make sure your Voter Information Card (VIC) is correct. You do not need to register before heading to the polls and you do not need your VIC in order to vote.

Here are the facts:

  1. Voters must technically be registered/added to the voter’s list, but this can be done at the polls. You can update VIC information at the poll.
  2. You can find your poll location online by entering your postal code.  You do not need a VIC to vote.
  3. Make sure you have valid ID: www.VoterID.ca (this easy to remember url redirects to the Elections Canada ID page). Your VIC is not a valid piece of ID.

News release highlights

  • After six weeks of advertising to Canadians to “register to vote” (for example, see image below), there has been no mention on social media, television, or on the radio, that registering or updating registration, can be done at the polls.
  • Over 84% of the voter’s list was completed before the election, meaning the large majority of Canadians were already set up to receive Voter Information Cards and vote – they did not need to go online or call Elections Canada to register.

Why it’s a big problem:

  • We are concerned that unless Elections Canada corrects their ads and puts significant resources into rectifying their message, people will be deterred from voting, especially those new to the process.
