Pauktuutit, an organization advocating for Inuit women in Canada, relased “An Intergenerational Healing Model” in 2013. It’s a model workshop intended to bring Inuit communities together while healing from abuse and preventing any further harm.
Much of this healing is considered an antidote to the scars left from years of residential schooling. Pauktuutit is building on several previous workshops that were successful in helping “to increase awareness of abuse issues and build capacity of women and communities to confront the past, support each other, and create community action plans for ending family violence and abuse.”
The 2013 workshop is a baseline from which other Aboriginal communities can develop programs to suit their specific healing needs. It’s all there: activities, supplies, facilitator guides, even evaluation forms.
The Pauktuutit guide explicitly states a goal to “create a positive shared experience between youth and adult survivors of Residential Schools through creating a Community Story.”
The workshop guide contains:
-guide to Inuit Healing Principles
-planning checklist
-sample agendas
-supplies checklist
-application forms
-creative additions like the use of music
-evaluation forms