A grassroots prison abolition group, the Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC) campaigns on the desire to eradicate prisons and in the meantime, challenge institutionalized racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism and able-ism. PARC engages in a huge variety of different projects and forms of activism. Their projects include:


-correspondence with prisoners

-support for prisoners who were wrongfully convicted or remain in prison due to political leanings/backgrounds

-offers a four-part prison issues curriculum designed to educate high school students

-share prisoners’ stories

-works as a liaison between prisoners’ rights organizations, community organizations and other establishments


In addition to these active projects, PARC offers educational information and other similar resources to prisoners and their families. These resources often touch on health topics like AIDS and STDs, but also includes political zines, legal information, important associations and book and correspondence programs.