Canada is accepting fewer and fewer refugees every year. According to reports, the number of refugees granted status in Canada was down from over 35,000 in 2005 to roughly 23,000 in 2014. However, right now, the world needs to accomodate the largest wave of refugees since World War II. Syria alone has produced almost 12 million people who are homeless due to the five years of conflict. Canada has accepted only 2,300 Syrian refugees, to date. That is shameful.
Provincial governments, municipalities and people across the country are stepping up to support Syrians–saying our doors are open for refugees and demanding that the government allow them to help.
You can join the movement. From September 4th to 9th, there are Refugee welcome mobilizations across the country. Rabble TV captured voices at one of the mobilizations in Toronto, watch it here. Go out on the streets and let people know that your door is open for refugees!
You can also help sponsor refugees and donate to organizations working on the ground with refugees. Oliver Sachgau and Affan Chowdhry of the Globe and Mail wrote an article detailing how Canadians can help. Click through and donate.
We need our governments to act, we need to stand up for the Canada we believe in, a Canada that does not turn its back on the world! Want to learn more about how immigration policies have changed, read this great factcheck blog on Canada’s recent humanitarian relief record and visit No One Is Illegal’s Never Home website.