Vote Child Care 2015 brings together child care advocates and supporters from across Canada to promote the vision endorsed at the ChildCare2020 conference.

“Together we’re calling on the next federal government to provide funding and leadership, to work with provinces, territories and Indigenous communities to make affordable quality child care a reality for all families.”

Vote Child Care 2015’s campaign can be found here.  The website includes analysis, reports, and ways for individuals to share their own stories and become poliitcal active in campaigning for child care.

The aim of the campaign is:

• Use the election to build support for our vision of affordable quality child care, and to make child care a prominent issue in communities across Canada
• Expose the danger of the market based approach to family policy (income splitting, UCCB)

This child care vision is based on:
• Universal entitlement – Child care for all is a public good, a human right and part of building the equal, just Canada that we value
• High quality – Quality in child care programs is key for children’s development and well-being
• Comprehensiveness – A variety of inclusive child care services and related policies are needed to support all families

Making this possible means:
• A national policy framework – a well-designed plan developed by the federal government together with provinces, territories and Indigenous communities
• Long-term funding – sustained to keep child care affordable, pay ECE’s decent wages and keep quality
• Building a system – bringing together all levels of government, researchers, service providers, parents and educators to plan for the care and educational needs of young children and to support parents to work, study and participate in their communities


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Kim Elliott

Kim Elliott operated as publisher for between 2006-2023.