For many Canadians their immigration system is reasonable, generous and one with compassion. However, when you take a hard look at Immigration Canada policies, there is no doubt its just a myth.
Why did it take 15-years for Immigration Canada to take the decision to deport Qyzra Walji and her parents?
Now 21-year-old Qyzra, who had Cerebral Palsy and her parents Mohammed and Shyroz Walji are dead after they were found with gunshot wounds at their London apartment on Oct 31 in apparent murder-suicide.
This tragedy has all the hallmark of when unjust, unreasonable and oppressive policies are implemented without any debate or consultation with the public and all the concerned stakeholders.
Canadians and those who work with marginalized and the most vulnerable people in our society should ask for an inquiry/inquest into the Walji’s tragedy and immigration policies that could have contributed to their deaths.
Immigration Canada has excluded thousands of people with disabilities and other migrants by denying them basic human rights such as freedom of movement and residence, basic healthcare and rights to choose where to live using regulatory mechanisms and without public debate.
Not considering on how much persons with disabilities give back to our society.
At the Walji Family vigil organized by King’s students in the Social Justice and Peace Studies program
Qyzra teachers and others spoke in length on how much she meant to the community.
“I have so many special memories with Qyzra that I will cherish in my heart forever. She was an incredible person who taught myself and others so much. She was an inspiration to everyone around her.” Said Nicole Fordyce, in her speech at the vigil
According to Fordyce, Qyzra did not let her disability get in the way of doing things she enjoyed or living a full life. In fact Qyzra took on many leadership roles in the classroom, the school community and even in the larger community outside of school.
Indeed school teachers, social workers and community at large all pleaded with immigration Canada on Walji’s behalf to no avail.
The only thing Immigration Canada seemed concerned about was how much she would cost the healthcare system.
For those who knew the family is that it may have been Qyzra’s disability that prevented Canada Immigration from granting Walji’s Permanent Resident status.
This is an opportunity for us all, you and I to start a dialogue about the injustices within Immigration Canada inadmissible policies and decided that something needed to be done about it.
Keep demanding justice for the Waljis on their memorial Facebook Page.