March 31st, 2015 marked the one year anniversary of the expiry of the Health Accord. What is the Health Accord? It is a national agreement between the provinces and the federal government that provides national standards and stable funding for health care. Click here for more. On Tuesday April 7th we celebrate World Health Day. What better way to celebrate than demanding a new Health Accord.
Instead of renegotiating the agreement, the Harper government has announced $36 billion worth of health care cuts which will come into effect after the next federal election in 2015. In the past year Canadians have lost $987 million in federal funding for public health care. (See table for provincial breakdown.)
On March 31 2015, CUPE, the Council of Canadians, the Canadian Health Coalition and provincial health coalitions and other allies were part of a national day of action for a new health accord. Click through for photos.
You can still take action to stand up for medicare, and a new health accord that will provide stable funding for provinces. Sign this Medicare pledge and listen to great video by Kieffer Sutherland, talking about Tommy Douglas’s vision for Medicare. The video starts when you open the link, so if you are in a public place, do use headphones or mute your computer.