In February 2018, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal issued another order which said the federal government is still not complying with a 2016 ruling that found it discriminates against Indigenous kids. The government must act and our children and our community must be engaged in compelling action.
The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (the Caring Society) has been providing research, advocacy and support to stand with First Nations children, youth and families so they have equitable opportunities to grow up safely at home, be healthy, get a good education and be proud of who they are. To this end they have developed research portals and tools, like seven ways to make a difference for free, and have launched witness projects like Spirit Bear.
In 2008, the Caring Society was joined by the Spirit Bear, a member of the Carrier Sekani tribal council representing the 165,000 First Nations children impacted by the child welfare case at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal. The Spirit Bear has helped mobilize support among children and adults and even has an honorary ‘bearrister’ degree from the Osgoode School of Law. Support the Spirit Bear plan for Canada to stop discrimination against First Nations children and also learn about Jordan’s principle, which commemorates the struggle of Jordan River Anderson and his family.
These tools and others will help you as you work to understand the issues and build support for reconciliation.