
Creating a student union is as tough as organizing in any other workplace. It also presents unique challenges. Building solidarity amongst students who come from all walks of life can be difficult. The size of the school can also be intimidating. How do you reach and unite all those people? It is possible.

Unions are more than student adovacy.They create service centres for specific student needs, rally against the adminstration and return power to the studnets. Whereas univerities and colleges have an easy time exploiting or oppressing individuals, students can make a difference if they band together. There are some great resource guides available for getting students organizing together.



The Canadian Federation of Student’s publication Students’ Right to Organise is a good place to begin to figure out the logistics.

Jasper Conner has created this guide on how to start unionizing  universities. The end goal is free, accessible education for all. Though designed for an American audience, the principles of organizing are the same.