
As the Conservative government prepares to sign the Honduras Free Trade Agreement this fall with the country that has the distinction of being the murder capital of the world, Common Frontiers prepares to send a delegation from Canada to engage with civil society groups and monitor the Honduran elections and human rights situation.

Upcoming elections and call for International Solidarity: 

On November 24TH 2013, Hondurans will be heading to the polls to elect a new president. This time civil society opposition has organized itself politically to partake in the electoral process under the political party Libertad y refundacion (LIBRE). Their political organizing has made them targets of violence and intimidation. Together with civil society and Human rights organizations they are denoucing the escalation of political violence and repression by the state in the lead up to the elections. They are calling for International Solidarity by inviting the international community and media to visit Honduras and observe the electoral process. 

What are we proposing? 

We know there will be intense media attention on Honduras during this period and we hope to utilize this to widen the discussion around other issues impacting Honduran civil society including lack of democratic governance, the Canadian Free trade agenda, Canadian investment (i.e. Mining, Maquilas) , and Human and labour right violations.

We are proposing to send a delegation to Honduras from November 17th- 27th 2013 from Canada that includes members from labour, civil society and NGO’S. The first part of the trip will focus on visiting various parts of the country and meeting with different civil society groups including labour, human rights groups, and campesino and Indigenous communities. The delegation will also have the opportunity to provide election monitoring at various stations where most required during the elections. 

For more information or to join the delegation visit the delegation site