Photo: flickr/ Jim, the Photographer

Happy belated birthday Harper!

Kidding, you’re the worst and I send you no “happy birthdays.” However, you can send Harper a birthday card (and message) saying that (and other things) now.

But if you don’t have anytime for that (why bother with Harper anymore, amiright?), here is some positive, feel good news you can use.

Happy Friday.


Kaitlin McNabb is rabble’s news and books coordinator and…and… I’ve got nothing clever to say. Follow her on twitter @kaitlinmcnabb.

Photo: flickr/ Jim, the Photographer

Kaitlin McNabb

Kaitlin McNabb

Kaitlin McNabb is rabble’s news coordinator, book lounge coordinator and moderator of the babble book club. She is currently completing the Editing Certificate at Simon Fraser University, satisfying...