Photo: flickr/David Grimes

It sure has been a week hasn’t it? Well, let’s add a little sunshine and rainbows to your day (and hopefully weekend) with some positive news, optimistic activism and downright silly pictures.

Here’s a little brightness from us to you:



  • Guess what?! This Saturday May 10 is the Day of Action across Canada and a time to ask, nay, demand politicians to make climate change a priority. Why is this so good? Well, it looks like us environment lovers could be winning this fight after all.
  • This one’s for the laaaadies! Well it’s actually for everyone because #everyBODYisflawless. The video made me feel like I too could be a really cool lady, until I remembered that I say things like “this one’s for the laaaadies” and still think “the shopping cart” is an excellent dance move.
  • Standford University has become the first major university to divest stock from coal-mining companies and lend support to a nationwide campaign to purge endowments and pension funds of fossil fuel investments. Take that Big Coal!
  • Last weekend was the third annual MCA Day, which pays tribute to Beastie Boy Adam Yauch. A group of men dressed as Tibetan monks — because Yauch was a practicing Buddhist and active in the Tibetan Independence Movement — pulled off a killer breakdancing tribute.
  • Depending on how you feel about childhood tv shows turned into overhyped movie franchises, this news may be good? Either way, a new Power Rangers movie franchise is in the works. It’s morphing time!
  • These are a throwback, but if you would like to laugh for 10 minutes straight at the GOP trying to “engage with youth” then you should really watch these videos. Oh and these are parodies. The real thing is just painful to watch.

Ahh… feelin’ good.

Kaitlin McNabb

Kaitlin McNabb

Kaitlin McNabb is rabble’s news coordinator, book lounge coordinator and moderator of the babble book club. She is currently completing the Editing Certificate at Simon Fraser University, satisfying...