It’s Friday! So you know what that means — another installment of Feel Good Friday.
Get excited for the weekend, or if you don’t have a weekend, get excited for some good news!
We’ve got inspiring protests in France, no new nuclear reactors in Ontario, cat photos (obviously) and an amazing Idle No More photo op.
Oh, and a hilarious craft beer video that I watch whenever I need a little pick me up.
So get ready, get set, it’s Feel Good Friday!
Check out the list below:
- While Prince Charles received full military honours during his visit to Winnipeg, Idle No More protestors really stole the show with this great photo.
- “The NFL can no longer ignore this”: 50 U.S. Senators joined the chorus of voices urging the NFL to endorse the name change for the Washington Redskins. [note: Don’t read the NFL’s response though if you want to keep feelin’ good]
- Watch this video of possibly the largest school of mobular rays ever filmed. It’s pretty cool.
- Hundreds of male students in the French city of Nantes wore skirts to protest sexism as part of the in the “Lift the Skirt” campaign.
- Ding, dong, Wal Mart’s gone… from Oregon. Officials announced they’re letting its Wal Mart bonds expire in April 2016 without renewal aka divesting from Wal Mart.
- Founder in 2011 of Occupy Wall Street’s People of Color working group and Committee of Interns and Residents union rep, Michelle Crentsil is a force to be reckoned with in the U.S.’s labour movement.
- There’s a joke in here somewhere: “Feds robocall themselves in search for unused telephone lines“
- “How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?” “You wouldn’t understand.” Male novelist jokes… they never stop being funny.
- Another reminder, Vancouver School Board’s proposed trans* policy is just the latest example of how important gender-neutral bathrooms are.
- U.S. Senate appoints first Native American woman to ever serve as a U.S. District Court judge. ‘Bout damn time!
- Hey, the environment actually gets a break! The Federal Court has thrown out the approvals for building new reactors at Darlington.
- Street artist Paulo Ito has been creating stunning and thought-provoking graffiti in Brazil to illustrate (and protest?) the World Cup.
- Ooh, so the men on the subway taking up all the room weren’t being entitled, they were actually saving room for cats. [note: not actually true, but pretty hilarious.]
- “I’ll have a Harry Porter, in a Goblet of Fire.” Hipsters love them some craft beer, amiright?
Need more? Check out the rest of our Feel Good Fridays here.
Photo: flickr/Rakka