Hello there!
How’s your week been? Okay? Has it felt like a sea of ‘no’ and all you want is a yes?
Well it’s about to get a whole lot better — or so I like to think because it’s Feel Good Friday!
We’ve got geniuses, B.C. teachers, kidney donations , activism and of course Sesame Street.
So dive right in and enjoy!
B.C. teachers have ratified their agreement and ended the strike! Back to school, back to school.
- Justin Trudeau says abortion rights trump MPs “freedom of speech” [scare quotes added by me]
Baltimore Ravens player Ma’ake Kemoeatu retires so he can donate a kidney to his younger brother.
Alison Bechdel was awarded a MacArthur Genius Grant (even though we already knew she was a genius!).
Want to talk Toronto transit? Olivia Chow will show up and chat!
Also, car-shaming should totally become a thing! Parked in a bike lane? This sticker will let you know.
These quotes on childlessness from famous women are pretty interesting (and sometimes sassy).
Sesame Street continues its parade of awesomeness with Lupita Nyong’o talking about loving her skin!
Supporters of reproductive justice will take to the streets across Canada on Saturday 20 to demand access to reproductive rights for all!
And on Sunday 21, supporters for climate action will pound streets in Canada and the U.S.!
Ever want to know which famous authors slept with other famous authors? There’s a chart for that.
DANCE! It’s a revolution!
- Whitehorse ski club introduces season passes for dogs. Good news? You decide on this one!
An anti-gay preacher showed up at this campus; students drowned out his message with songs of love.
California bans free plastic bags.
Need more? Check out the rest of our Feel Good Fridays here.
Kaitlin McNabb is rabble’s news and books coordinator and yes, her grandparents are from Scotland.
Photo: flickr/*_Abhi_*