Two Upcoming Pow Wows in Ontario – Get Back into the Jingle of Things
Well, it seems that as the earth wakes up from its wintertime slumber, pow wow seasons slowly gets itself into gear – and literally into its regalia and other pow wow related gear.
Here’s a good pick up line: “You put the Wow in Pow Wow!”
Yes, I can hear the groans from here.
I intend to do what I have done in years prior when I have posted information on the year’s pow wow circuit as I know from experience that the info can be scattered across the Internet.
So I wanted to give you a heads up about two upcoming pow wows in Ontario for March 2015.
7th Annual George Brown Pow Wow:
Come down to the 7th Annual Four Sacred Colours Pow Wow, hosted by George Brown College. This free event boasts an afternoon of drumming, dancing, and learning more about Aboriginal culture.
The pow wow will start with a Grand Entry on Saturday March 21, 12:00 pm – 5 p.m. Grand Entry is at noon.
The location will be George Brown College waterfront campus at 51 Dockside Dr., Toronto.
Host Drum: All Nations
Wisdom and Knowledge Keepers: Pauline Shirt and Ed Sackaney
Master of Ceremonies: Bob Goulais
Head Male Dancer: Ian Akiwenzie
Head Female Dancer: Jennifer Cummings
More info here.
26th Annual Lakehead University Pow Wow
This year’s pow wow theme is Building Bridges, hosted by Lakehead University, in Thunder Bay, Ontario, in the Field House (955 Oliver Road.)
Here are the important dates to remember:
Friday, March 14 @ 6pm – Warm Ups
Saturday, March 15 @ 1:00 pm Opening Ceremonies and Grand Entry
Traditional Feast @ 5:00 pm
Evening Grand Entry @ 7:00 pm
Sunday March 16 @ 12:00 pm Grand Entry
MC: Nathan Moses, Pic River First Nation
Arena Directors: Todd Genno, Pic River First Nation & Jake Achneepineskum, Pays Plat First Nation
Spiritual Advisor: Kalvin Ottertail, Lac La Croix First Nation
Host Drum: Whitefish Bay Singers
*Photo by Krystalline Kraus at last year’s George Brown Pow Wow.