Author Archives: Graham Saul
Graham Saul is the Executive Director of Climate Action Network Canada – Réseau action climat Canada, a network of more than 65 environmental, faith-based, youth, development, labour and aboriginal organizations working together to prevent catastrophic climate change.
Graham has more than 15 years experience working on global justice and environmental issues. In 1993, Graham worked as a Research Fellow at the South African Institute for International Affairs. He returned to Africa the next year and worked with Oxfam International in Maputo, Mozambique, from 1994 to 1999. There he designed and implemented a joint Oxfam advocacy capacity building program that provided support to a range of Mozambican coalitions involved in struggles around the debt crisis, the role of the World Bank, landmines, land rights and persistent organic pollutants. From 1999 to 2004, Graham worked for the Washington, D.C.-based Bank Information Center (BIC). BIC is a non-profit organization that provides information and strategic support to organizations and communities on the policies and practices of the World Bank Group and other Multilateral Development Banks. Graham was responsible for developing BIC’s Africa Program, Europe and Central Asia Program and Transparency Program. Graham has also served as the International Program Director for Friends of the Earth Canada and Oil Change International. He is a co-founder of the Global Transparency Initiative and Ecology Ottawa, and has served on the board of directors of the U.S.-based 50 Years is Enough Network and the review committee of the Central and Eastern European Bankwatch Network. Graham holds a degree in Political Science from McGill University.