Each year we take a look back at the amazing content of the previous year and put together a dynamic collection of highlights – The Best of rabble book. This pocket-size reader always has a great line-up and you can get it shipped to you for the low, low price of $10.00 + $2.95 shipping/handling ($12.95)! Operators are not standing by, but you can get the book right here or e-mail bestofrabble [@]rabble.ca for more information.
Plus we also have available a free iPad multimedia version! rabble is not just about reading. We have a vibrant podcast network, extensive photos, and great video (from original commentary, to live feeds, to best of the net). This multimedia Best of rabble version has all the articles you find in the book version plus video, photographs, podcasts, and audio clips. It also features some cool dynamic boxes with babble threads that explore issues in the book.
You can download the 2014 edition for free right here.