

That is the number of mothers, fathers, brothers, and daughters that perished in the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh in May.

All because of corporate irresponsibility.

Sweatshops are just one example of corporations carrying out some of the most horrific human rights abuses of modern times. Though it isn’t easy, we can check the power of corporations—and global citizens are stepping up to do it.

That’s where you come in.

Our 2013 Top 10 Most Wanted Corporate Criminals list shines a light on some of the world’s worst corporate abusers, gives you information about the abusive behavior of this year’s worst corporations, tells you who is responsible, and how to connect with and support people who are doing something about it. Now we need you to take action!
The more you know, the less these corporations can continue their abuses out of public eyesight: so share this information with your friends, get on the phone with the CEOs themselves, and exercise your rights as a global citizen and consumer today.

Then, join our friends at Corporate Accountability International, and add the worst abuser to the Corporate Hall of Shame.

So, what corporations made the list? Find out.

Our thanks goes to Linda Tenerowicz who provided invaluable research support to the 2013 project.